The facts that concerns women body language:
- Both women and men have inherited very strong desires to survive and it is nature's law to pass-on their genes to their offspring by having sex.
- They can't do it alone so they must come together.
- A woman must expend great time and energy to give birth and raise a child. To do this best she needs to attract a man to help her get pregnant and afterward to help raise the offspring. (Recently in our history, the importance of the man has been diminished in some societies where women can function independently. Even the act of impregnation can be done in the lab by a woman doctor, but the sperm must still come from a man. Men are not totally obsolete, yet!)
- The male's body language is one of the primary factors guiding the female's choice of mate.
- Men must compete with other men for a woman's acceptance. Therefore men must 'court' a woman in order to get accepted as a mate.
- Women want to have a lot of choices in men so they can get the best one. 'Best' means the male who can help her make the healthiest babies then protect and support her and the children for long survival.
- Women want to have choices in men for a mate, so flirting and dating provides that opportunity. Women have inherited proven successful body language flirting techniques in their DNA to attract many men for more and better choices.
- Female body language to attract males primarily displays this message: "I am a healthy female and you may approach me."
- In nearly all the species the ultimate decision for which male is accepted to be the offspring's father is the decision of the female.
The First Impression
Like most areas of life, you only get one chance to make a first impression on the opposite sex, so why not make it a good one? Conscious control of your body language can help you do just that. The first step in creating
sexual attraction is an open posture.
Stand or sit in an inviting way so that you are approachable. You don’t want to make yourself appear nonchalant or rigid by closing off your body. Arms laced across the chest, crossed legs and hunched shoulders are all overt signals that you don’t want to be bothered. The cross leg postures stimulates sex for male and it draws attention to male
Next – FACE your prospective mate.
An inviting posture, is not enough if you want someone to take the initiative and approach YOU. You also need to face your romantic prospect. (Sitting with an open and inviting posture isn’t going to cut it if your back is to the person you’re hoping to interest).
Make sure your ENTIRE body is facing the person you hope to attract. A forward-facing lower body (legs and feet) is much more indicative of interest than just the face and shoulders.
Once you’ve mastered the art of an inviting posture, there are other steps you can take to stimulate the opposite sex without being overtly obvious. If employed subtly, there are certain body language cues that can draw the opposite sex’s interest in you without him/her even being aware of it!
Quick sex restores the adrenalin rush that you had at the beginning of your relationship. The more quick sex encounters you have, the higher your libido will soar. Fast frenzied sex works wonders for your relationship, reminding you both how much you fancy each other. Impulsive sex also keeps the 'Aren't we naughty?' buzz alive and there's no doubt that quick sex, rather than no sex keeps you connected. Couples who have lots of quickies communicate more effectively, show more affection and have more energy.
Not just for men
Traditional thinking says quickies are a man thing - fast, emotionless sex that's all about his pleasure not yours. Men orgasm much faster than women so how can it work? Intercourse raises hormonal levels, which increase the brain chemicals associated with desire. The more often you have sex, the stronger your desire for sex becomes.
A good sex life is balanced. It's totally acceptable to have quick sex eight out of ten times you make love. But when you do have time, make the effort. A sensible two-week mix for busy couples should include at least four quickies (anywhere from five to 15 minutes - this doesn't have to include intercourse) and one session that lasts 45 minutes to an hour (or more if you prefer).
Teach yourself to feel sexy
You can teach yourself to be more sexual. Train your brain to turn yourself on every day, in every situation. Dress yourself in clothes that you know you look good in, read erotic books, hang sexy pictures on your walls. The more your start thinking about sex, the more you keep thinking about sex. It's not your lover's job to keep you turned on, it's yours too.
Redefine sex
A quickie means quick sex of any kind, not just intercourse. Think of 'sex' as anything that makes you feel sexy - teased as well as totally satisfied. Teasing each other physically whets the appetite and encourages anticipatory sex. A passionate, sexy, long snog and neck kissing, or a hot text from your lover all count as sex sessions. Impose rules: you're only allowed the touch each other with your tongues, or he's only allowed to touch you.
The perfect time is now
If you're waiting until you have your best underwear on or you're having a 'thin' day, then you're never going to get round to regular sex. Real life rarely affords the perfect circumstances for sex - you have to take it
when and where you can. Quick sex isn't about comfort, candles and flattering lighting: it's raw, intense and rough and ready. Who cares if dinner's ruined or you're five minutes late to the office? Sometimes an over-organised sex session guarantees you an orchestrated bland one.
Location, location, location...
It's all about the situation: he's immune to seeing you naked pre-bedtime but a flash of thigh somewhere public is unexpectedly voyeuristic. A three-minute quickie in the bathroom at a party satisfies your adventurous animal side. The trick isn't just to have lots of sex, it's to keep quickies slightly risqué and daring. Semi-public sex is an effective way to kick-start jaded libidos. Also try minute-long versions of everything from tie-up games to role play.
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